Commending Creative, Local Creators
Celebrate the inventors, creatives who have crafted exceptional services or products right here in Australia. This award spotlights the innovative spirit of locally nurtured ideas.
Criteria: This category looks for originality, innovation, design, creativity or need. The most important criteria is it was created in Australia. Manufactured here would be ideal but not essential for this category. This award can be for a business or individual, for a project, product or anything that has been created in Australia.
Who should enter this award:
Retailers, designers, producers, artists, makers, creatives. Anyone who is making a contribution with creativity or products that fulfil a gap or need in the market.
To enter, fill in the submission below. To prepare your answers in advance, download the questions ahead of time, prepare your answers, then return and enter your submission as you cannot save and come back.
Please register your account before proceeding with any activities on the Altitude Awards website.