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To enter, fill in the submission below. To prepare your answers in advance, download the questions ahead of time, prepare your answers, then return and enter your submission as you cannot save and come back.
This category is best new business or start-up. A new business that has been operating under two years (as of January 2024).
Who should enter this award?
This category is for any new business or start-up that has begun trading from 2022.
Soaring Micro-Nomination
On My Way Award
Please fill out the form below to enter this category. Entries must be received by midnight, 20th October 2024.
Click "Next" to submit.You can save your Progress and return later if needed.
N.B. : If you wish to complete the submission afterwards you can save the data and comeback later.
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Please register your account before proceeding with any activities on the Altitude Awards website.
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